Reusability & Composition


  • global.mixins.
  • global.directives.

Testing composables

When working with the composition API and creating composables, you often want to test only the composable. Let's start with a simple example:

export function useCounter() {
  const counter = ref(0)

  function increase() {
    counter.value += 1

  return { counter, increase }

In this case, you don't actually need @vue/test-utils. Here is the corresponding test:

test('increase counter on call', () => {
  const { counter, increase } = useCounter()




For more complex composables, which use lifecycle hooks like onMounted or provide/inject handling, you can create a simple test helper component. The following composable fetches the user data within the onMounted hook.

export function useUser(userId) {
  const user = ref()
  function fetchUser(id) {
      .then(response => (user.value =

  onMounted(() => fetchUser(userId))

  return { user }

To test this composable, you can create a simple TestComponent within the tests. The TestComponent should use the composable the exact same way how the real components would use it.

// Mock API request
jest.spyOn(axios, 'get').mockResolvedValue({ data: { id: 1, name: 'User' } })

test('fetch user on mount', async () => {
  const TestComponent = defineComponent({
    props: {
      // Define props, to test the composable with different input arguments
      userId: {
        type: Number,
        required: true
    setup (props) {
      return {
        // Call the composable and expose all return values into our
        // component instance so we can access them with wrapper.vm

  const wrapper = mount(TestComponent, {
    props: {
      userId: 1


  await flushPromises()

  expect(wrapper.vm.user).toEqual({ id: 1, name: 'User' })

Provide / inject

Vue offers a way to pass props to all child components with provide and inject. The best way to test this behavior is to test the entire tree (parent + children). But sometimes this is not possible, because the tree is too complex, or you only want to test a single composable.

Testing provide

Let's assume the following component you want to test:

    <slot />

<script setup>
provide('my-key', 'some-data')

In this case you could either render an actual child component and test the correct usage of provide or you can create a simple test helper component and pass it into the default slot.

test('provides correct data', () => {
  const TestComponent = defineComponent({
    template: '<span id="provide-test">{{value}}</span>',
    setup () {
      const value = inject('my-key')
      return { value }

  const wrapper = mount(ParentComponent, {
    slots: {
      default: () => h(TestComponent)


If your component does not contain a slot you can use a stub and replace a child component with your test helper:

    <SomeChild />

<script setup>
import SomeChild from './SomeChild.vue'

provide('my-key', 'some-data')

And the test:

test('provides correct data', () => {
  const TestComponent = defineComponent({
    template: '<span id="provide-test">{{value}}</span>',
    setup () {
      const value = inject('my-key')
      return { value }

  const wrapper = mount(ParentComponent, {
    global: {
      stubs: {
        SomeChild: TestComponent


Testing inject

When your Component uses inject and you need to pass data with provide, then you can use the global.provides option.

    {{ value }}

<script setup>
const value = inject('my-key')

The unit test could simply look like:

test('renders correct data', () => {
  const wrapper = mount(MyComponent, {
    global: {
      provides: {
        'my-key': 'some-data'



  • test simple composables without a component and @vue/test-utils
  • create a test helper component to test more complex composables
  • create a test helper component to test your component provides the correct data with provide
  • use global.provides to pass data to your component which uses inject